Worship begins at 9:00am on Sunday mornings. Worship time change, mark your calendars now! Starting on March 9, worship will begin at 10am!


Here at IUCC, we offer a traditional, yet casual mixture of scripture, preaching, music, and prayer, as well as an interactive time for all ages through Engaging the Word. We provide bulletins for each week's order of service, and also project this information onto large screens at the front of the sanctuary.


While we have returned to in-person worship, a livestream option is still available at  www.facebook.com/streamwoodiucc

Videos remain on our page afterwards to watch at your convenience as well. You DO NOT need a Facebook account to access livestream or recorded worship.


Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. We celebrate an open table, where all are welcome to take communion. Bread and gluten-free crackers, as well as wine and grape juice, are available.


Children are welcome to attend the services. Childcare is also available for infants through preschool age children during worship. The fourth Sunday of every month is also Family Sunday and the youth of IUCC are especially invited to attend and help lead worship.


There is no dress code at IUCC, so come as you are. Our member's attire ranges from suits and dresses to t-shirts and occasionally pajama pants.


The best way to get to know IUCC is to join us for coffee and fellowship after Sunday worship. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you better.


All are welcome here!


During the Season of Epiphany we will be hearing the "I AM" statements of Jesus in worship. Each week, we'll deep-dive one of the statements, and consider what Jesus was trying to tell us about who He is and what He was about.



January 12 - I am the Bread of Life


January 19 - I am the Light of the World


January 26 - I am the Resurrection and the Life


February 2 - I am the True Vine


February 9 - I am the Good Shephard


February 16 - I am the Door


February 23 - I am the Way, the Truth and the Life


Prayers adapted from those written by Laura Jaquith Bartlett in the Abingdon Worship Annual 2017.  Used by permission.|