Worship begins at 9:00am on Sunday mornings.
Here at IUCC, we offer a traditional, yet casual mixture of scripture, preaching, music, and prayer, as well as an interactive time for all ages through Engaging the Word. We provide bulletins for each week's order of service, and also project this information onto large screens at the front of the sanctuary.
While we have returned to in-person worship, a livestream option is still available at www.facebook.com/streamwoodiucc.
Videos remain on our page afterwards to watch at your convenience as well. You DO NOT need a Facebook account to access livestream or recorded worship.
Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. We celebrate an open table, where all are welcome to take communion. Bread and gluten-free crackers, as well as wine and grape juice, are available.
Children are welcome to attend the services. Childcare is also available for infants through preschool age children during worship. The fourth Sunday of every month is also Family Sunday and the youth of IUCC are especially invited to attend and help lead worship.
There is no dress code at IUCC, so come as you are. Our member's attire ranges from suits and dresses to t-shirts and occasionally pajama pants.
The best way to get to know IUCC is to join us for coffee and fellowship after Sunday worship. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you better.
All are welcome here!
Our Advent theme this year is “Words For The Beginning," a series provided by © A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org. This is a series filled with blessings, with the words we need to hear again and again as we begin a new season. We invite you to enter this Advent as if you are entering a sacred new chapter. As you journey through this season, may you find words for hope and belovedness. May you find words for beginning again.
December 1 - First Sunday of Advent
You Are A Blessing
December 8 - Second Sunday of Advent
We Can't Go Alone
December 15 - Third Sunday of Advent
Do The Good That Is Yours To Do
December 22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
Hope Is Worth The Risk
December 24 - Christmas Eve
Love Knows Your Name
December 29 - First Sunday after Christmas
Don't Forget To Laugh
January 5 - Epiphany Sunday
The Road Isn't Straight
Prayer by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed| © A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org |
Our Blue Christmas or Longest Night Service is a quiet, contemplative service for those who may be struggling to navigate the holidays. On Wednesday, December 18, at 7:00pm in the sanctuary we will gather for a brief time of worship and reflection, followed by cookies and coffee in Volkening Hall for any who would like to talk further.
Our Christmas Eve service will be held at 7:00pm on Tuesday, December 24. This will be a candlelight gathering as we welcome the long-awaited Messiah into our lives and into the world. We hope you will be able to join us to celebrate this most holy and blessed evening.