The Worship, Music and Education Ministry is an active part of the church life here at Immanuel UCC. The main objective for this ministry is focusing on the worship services as well as giving everyone the opportunity to express their spirituality through worship. This ministry also works to provide Christian Education for all ages, whether it is through our Children’s Program or Book Study for adults.   


Throughout the year, the Worship Ministry offers Mimosas and Cupcakes on Easter Sunday, Muffins for Mom on Mother’s Day and Donuts for Dad on Father’s Day. Before heading back to school, the Worship team hosts a “Blessing of the Backpacks” Sunday in which students of all ages can bring in their backpack for a special blessing for the new school year. During the Advent season, the ministry hosts an Advent Workshop as well as a Blue Christmas service, because Christmas can be difficult for all of us.


Music plays an integral role in the worship experience at IUCC. While a good chunk of our music is more "traditional" in nature, everyone is invited to sing and participate in whichever way they feel comfortable, regardless of where they are on the key signature, if they play an instrument, or even if they're hitting the "correct" note. Almost all our songs feature the pipe organ leading into the congregation, however, we do occasionally have other instruments join the Jubilee!


Our Vocal Choir is currently on hiatus, but we do have the occasional ensemble gather together to make a joyful noise!.


The Women's Guild is a committed group of about 25 IUCC women whose goals are to serve the church, as well as the wider world around us and to provide social opportunities for our members. It is open to all women (Cisgender or Otherwise) in the church. The Guild meets every other month January through November in Volkening Hall at noon, all culminating in a lovely Christmas party in December. Through fundraising and offerings we provide for needs within the church and provide support for many worthwhile entities beyond our walls. We also coordinate funeral lunches at the request of church families.



Congregational Care equips the congregation to care for each other as Christ cares for the Church. If a member is in need of a ride to church, the doctor or grocery store, or a visit from the pastor or one of our group, we're there to help.


The Fellowship Ministry helps provide fun and exciting functions for members and friends of the church to participate in during the year. The IUCC Dart Ball, Book Club, and Dinner Groups are currently meeting. Other activities that have been held include the Men's Breakfast, Pasta Dinner, Team Trivia Night, Hawaiian Luau, Wine and Painting Party, and Holiday Cookie Walk.


Spark Kids is a series led by Pastor Jeanne where the Word is shared through songs, crafts, readings, and games and we learn some of the big stories of the Bible together in new creative ways. Spark is meant for children ages 5-12, but all are welcome. 


The September session will be held after worship in the West Classroom on the third Sunday of the month, September 15. Beginning in October, Spark will meet on the first and third Sundays of the month.


Other activities for children to participate in at IUCC include the Water Balloon Catch; Church Picnic; Blessing of the Backpacks, followed by our Ice Cream Social; Kite Flying; the Advent Workshop; as well as various missions throughout the year.


On the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm, IUCC offers a community meal for any who would like to attend. A donation of $5 is requested but not required. With Pizzas from Rosati's and a potluck of Salads and Desserts! Come for food, stay for conversation and friendship!