Pastor Jeanne’s weekly “Coffee and Conversation” on Wednesdays at 12:30pm at the Starbucks in Schaumburg at 395 S. Barrington Road. 

March dates are the 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. All are invited to join!

This month the Spark kids will learn about Lent, and be encouraged to take up a simple Lenten practice of their own.  Due to scheduling challenges, Spark will only be held on the first   Sunday of the month for the rest of the year. Spark is meant for children ages 5-12, but all are welcome. 

Our next monthly pizza and fellowship gathering will be on Wednesday, April 2nd, at 6:00pm in Volkening Hall. Salad, pizza, dessert and non-alcoholic beverages are provided. We look forward to seeing you then.

The next Dartball game will be on Sunday, March 16, at 9:00am in the West Classroom at IUCC. New members are still welcome so please see Bob Meyer if you’re interested.

The next meeting of the Book Club at IUCC will be at 10:30am on Monday, March 17th, in Volkening Hall. The book selected is

“Canary Girls” by Jennifer Chiaverini. All are invited to join.

IUCC is collecting personal items for the students in need from Streamwood High School. Gift cards are also welcomed. The leader in charge of this project at the High School will use these gift cards to buy items they know are in demand. There is a box for donations located in the sanctuary hallway for this ongoing outreach. Gift cards can also be dropped off at the church office during office hours (M-TH, 9:00am - 2:00pm). Thanks to everyone for supporting this mission.

We are not currently asking for specific donations to the Hanover Township Food Pantry. We are asking that we continue with the donation of personal products for the students at Streamwood High School. Thanks again for all your generous donations throughout 2025. It is much appreciated!